Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Secret of Twah, part VII

The story so far...the farmer, after enduring a year in a tree and a quest to recover four golden cups, returned to the monastery to complete a final, written exam. However, upon returning for his test results, the farmer found out that he had failed.

The farmer stared at the closed peephole, disbelieving. It could not be over. He pounded on the door. The peephole opened almost immediately. "What do you want?" demanded the voice.

"How bad was my score?" asked the farmer.

"Terrible," said the voice. "You missed the question about the giant bee."

"I know. What else?"

"That's all."

The farmer was quite incredulous now. "You mean I got every question on that test right except the question about the giant bee, and I FAILED?"

"It was the most important question, and the one all your trials were designed to help you answer," snapped the voice. "You spent a year in the tree so you could learn how to defeat and kill the giant bee so he wouldn't attack you on your second mission. Had you learned how to kill the bee in the tree, you wouldn't have been late with the cups. Your refusal to learn even the most basic tenets of survival means you are NOT monk material! Break off his stinger...that just makes him mad. Hit him, and yes, he goes away, but he'll be back to kill you another day. Now begone! The Secret of Twah is not for you!"

"Wait!" yelled the farmer as the peephole began to close. "Tear off its wings! That's how you kill it! It can't fly, so it dies!"

The eye looked at him through the half closed peephole. "How did you learn this?"

"I fought him," said the farmer. "In the flower field. We battled for a week, and I killed him."

The eye stared at him. "Let me speak to the master of monks," said the voice. The peephole closed, and the farmer waited. An hour passed before the peephole opened again.

"The master of monks is considering your case," said the voice, "and bids you to return in one year, when he shall render a decision. The master's vote will be final."

The peephole closed, and the farmer sat. He did not return to his family. He did not explore the area. For one full year, he sat in front of the door to the monastery. He ate when he was hungry, slept when he was tired, but always sat. Through rain and snow, hail and lightning, he sat.

When the year had passed, the peephole opened and the eye looked out at him. "The master of monks has designed one final task for you," said the voice. "Complete it, and you shall know the Secret of Twah."

The door opened. The farmer stood and stepped inside.

NEXT: The FINAL Final Task

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